2: Object models and utilities for STU2.3: Object models and utilities for STU3.4b: Object models and utilities for R4B.5: Object models and utilities for R5 candidate (will change regularly as new R5 candidates are released).: Shared code used by all the other projects - including the internationalization code.This is the java core object handling code, with utilities (including validator), for the FHIR specification. SNOMED International is a trade name of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) which was established in 2007.HAPI FHIR - HL7 FHIR Core Artifacts CI Status (master) SNOMED International is headquartered in London, UK. The SNOMED CT code set was created by and is maintained by SNOMED International, an international non-profit standards development organization.

The hierarchical categorization of all SNOMED CT terms allows for logical groupings and aggregations which facilitate and improve population reporting. Concepts include: clinical findings, symptoms, diagnoses, procedures, body structures, organisms and other etiologies, substances, pharmaceuticals, devices and specimens. SNOMED CT codes (and terms) can be used to record clinical information about patients in electronic health records. SNOMED CT supports compatible information exchange and assists in creating interoperable electronic health records - records that can be exchanged between and understood by different EHR systems. SNOMED CT can provide the core general terminology for electronic health records (EHR).

Payers - Medicare, Medicaid, BC/BS, Aetna, etc.Facilities & Organizations - ACOs, Hospitals, etc.